CLA Commits $50,000 to the Stop the Ban Campaign
At its most recent meeting, the Colorado Livestock Association Board of Directors voted to commit $50,000 to the Stop the Ban campaign, fighting against the measure to end slaughterhouses within Denver city limits. The measure was introduced by Pro-Animal Future, an animal rights activist organization and Denver voters will decide this issue on the ballot in November 2024.
If passed, this measure would negatively impact the state’s economy and the $47 billion agricultural industry—the second-largest industry in the state. The measure unfairly targets a single employee-owned Denver business—Superior Farms, a large lamb processor—and forces it to shut down. Consumers will pay more for meat shipped from out of state, and the resulting higher prices will unfairly burden families.
It directly impacts Colorado sheep production and hundreds of jobs will be immediately lost, including those of Colorado independent farmers, truckers, distributors, retailers, butchers, and restaurant owners.
Finally, passage of such a measure sets a precedent placing at risk millions of dollars of other commerce related to meat production operations in our state. This measure is unfair, ineffective, and the wrong approach.

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